I'm having a Cinderella moment. The other morning, I overheard my husband gently reprimanding our young girls, “Do you know what a maid is? Your mother is not your maid.” And with that they (temporarily) discontinued commanding that I bring them pancakes with whipped cream, or change their Netflix program, or whatever else their tiny hearts desired at that precise moment. This pretty much sums up my coronavirus-quarantined life. I’ve been cooped up in our castle with the Rasheta soul-sisters cooking, cleaning and trying my darnedest to teach 1st grade phonics. Ok- maybe that’s a bit dramatic because honestly we’ve had so many blissful, precious, wonderful, belly-laugh moments too. Popsicles at 9am (fruit counts for breakfast right?). Endless picnics in the spring sun. Impromptu dance parties on the lawn. Fishing in our PJ’s. But I’ve I swear I've washed more dishes in the last four weeks than I have in the past four months. And in my story, this Cinderella can’t steal away to the ball with her handsome prince- because the whole dang village is on lockdown and a Zoom ball just won’t suffice. So I’ll keep trailing behind the sisters, scooping up their naked Barbies, crunched Goldfish crumbs, and Easter candy wrappers- all with a smile. I’ll also look back one day and remember that these were some of the best days of our lives. It’s an interesting time for sure. I'm worried about the health of our country and world. I’m anxious about the economy and our jobs. I'm desperately missing our family and friends we can't see. I'm also grateful to have a (very messy) house full of love, giggles and warmth. I’ll cling to the wise words spoken by the true Cinderella, “No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish can come true.”