I’m vain. I’m fearful. I’m mad. I’m humbled. I’m angry. I’m worried. I’m anxious. I’m upset. I’m shocked. I’m unsure. But most of all I am grateful.

Grateful for my sweet husband; Dak is loving and patient and works harder than anyone I know. Grateful for my mother who is the ultimate pillar of strength, elegance and style and from whom I learn so much. Grateful for the amazing family I married into and grateful to live near all four in-laws in Dallas. Grateful to have my two beautiful daughters; Darby and Malone give me so many reasons to stay strong and charge forward. Grateful for Cristina who, from afar, has organized a fundraiser and meal train on my behalf and who loves me like a sister. Grateful for Radz who is helping me turn this challenge into an opportunity to raise money for breast cancer advocacy and who finds beauty in my baldness. Grateful for the compliments and words of encouragement that I receive from total strangers on a daily basis. Grateful for the women I've met through my daughters' schools, women who bring meals and pitch in with childcare. Grateful for the Affordable Care Act which is practically saving my life, without it we would likely be uninsured. Grateful for the White Rock YMCA which has become a place of refuge and play for myself and the girls. Grateful for my cousins who send me a card every single week in an effort to cheer me up and cheer me on. Grateful for all the prayer warriors who diligently lift me up. Grateful for my clients who haven't shied away from me during this time, they inspire me daily and allow me to do a job that I absolutely love. Grateful for the survivors who reach out to me and share their own incredible stories. Grateful to be writing my own survival story. Grateful for a the new lens from which I view the world. Grateful to have learned the importance of gratitude.